Performance dates
Käringtand, Formation Gallery
Where Even Flowers Can Grow
bydans festival, Nordic House, Torshavn (FO) 2-3.11.2024
Workshowing location: Formation Gallery to Artem's Feministisk Sommersolhverv at Onkel Dannys Plads (DK) / 21.06.2024
Pre project sharing: Floating University, Berlin (DE) 25.07.2024
Residency "Tid i Rum", Udviklingsplatformen (DK) 23-29.9.2024
SWOP Festival, Aaben Dans (DK) 3-5.4.2024​
Kulturnat, København 11.10.2024
Where Even Flowers Can Grow
Aveny-T (DK) 20-24.2.2024
The Bubble Gum Therapy, Henrik VibskovAW24 Copenhagen Fashion Week 31.01.2024
Kirsten Kjærs Museum (DK) 2-10.2024
Studio process showing
Dansstationen (SE) 6.12.2023
Previous Work and Performances
MPArt Festival (GR) September 2023
Platform, Dansstationen (SE) 11.08.2023
The Unboxing Waltz Tutorial, Henrik VibskovSS24 Copenhagen Fashion Week 09.08.2023
Where Even Flowers Can Grow (WIP)
++, Black Box Theatre Oslo (NO) 1.6 2023
Ponderosa residency, Berlin (DE) March 2023
I was sitting there looking at you for a while
DDSKS, Copenhagen (DK) 7-8.10.22
Young Dance Festival, Zug (CH) 29.9-1.10.22
Horsens teaterfestival, (DK) 17.9.22
pseudo psych
pre project showing at Huset Kbh, (DK) 3.9.22